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Safety & Security

Janson Bazzrea






Janson Bazzrea


School Resource Officer


Dickson Comets’ Parents and Guardians,

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know about the Standard Response Protocol or SRP that we adopted last year. Schools across the country are adopting this protocol to simplify and strengthen their Emergency Response Procedures. The attached SRP flyer has more information on the SRP. We are striving towards the safest possible environment for our students every day especially during any crises that may arise. We want you and your students to know that we have plans, that we train and practice these plans both internally and with our first responder partners, and that we continuously look for ways to improve at every opportunity. We have conducted several drills in all of our buildings already this year with great success. Our students and staff have done a great job in all of them.

An example of our continuous improvement is the adoption of the Standard Reunification Method or SRM that we are adopting this year. The SRM is the process that we will use to account for and reunify our students with their parents or guardians. It is a standardized method that we will use for any reunification that is not our normal day-to-day operation, see the attached flyer for more information on the SRM. One very important task that we need from all parents and guardians is that you fill out your student's emergency contacts section and keep it updated by contacting your student’s building office. This does two very important items; 1.) It ensures that we can contact you in the event of a crisis or emergency, and 2.) Students will ONLY be released to those people who are designated to pick them up in their emergency contacts section, otherwise, students will be kept until parents/guardians are able to pick them up.

Please, feel free to reach out to Janson Bazzrea your Director of Safety and School Security with any additional questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support in all of our efforts to provide the best and safest possible learning environment for all of our Comets.

Dickson Public Schools